Housing / Colocation Services

Hosting your servers and equipment in specialized datacenters will give you greater guarantees of security, stability and scalability while reducing your maintenance, connectivity and power costs.

Our housing / colocation services are characterized by:

- Datacenters in Lisbon and Porto
- Access control system 
- Permanent security (24 hours a day) 
- Automatic fire detection and extinguishing system 
- Power protection by reduding UPS 
- Power Generator 
- Energy monitor 
- Connectivity and environmental conditions 24 hours a day 
- Anti-seismic physical structures


24/7 Customer Support

Contact us

Email Technical Support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Remote Assistance

Remote Access Technical Support. Monday to Friday from 9: 30amp to 18: 30hpm

229 380 950

Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 6:30pm 

Live Chat

Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 6:30pm


  • Praça dos Pescadores, Nr. 41, 9ºDt. 4450-222 Matosinhos Portugal
  • 229 380 950
  • geral@ciberconceito.com
  • VATID: 505083990

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